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Helping leaders and teams communicate, use interactive feedback, create structures, and increase accountability, emotional intelligence, and cohesiveness!

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    Enhancing Safety through Leadership and Soft Skills Development

    While technical skills and procedural knowledge are essential, leadership and soft skills development play an equally vital role in fostering a safe work environment. Effective leadership and well-honed soft skills can significantly impact safety outcomes, creating a culture where safety is ingrained in every aspect of operations.

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    6 Best Practices for Hybrid Leadership

    Written for and published by Training Industry.

    Hybrid work is here to stay. According to Zoom’s recent whitepaper, “How to Adapt Company Culture for Remote Work,” it’s impossible to go “back to normal”. The dynamics of collaboration have forever changed, with 72% of organizations operating via a hybrid working model, according to global averages from the Steelcase Global Report, 2021. Given this fundamental workplace shift, building connections on dispersed teams is increasingly essential for business success.

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    Virtual Onboarding

    How to effectively and efficiently onboard a new employee virtually.

    Did you know Vivo Team has 10 years of experience as a coast-to-coast, remote-first team? Even though we hire, onboard, train, and develop everyone virtually, several of our team members say that they’ve never felt more connected to their coworkers in spite of never being in the same room.

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